Homo Videns Project was a Bilateral Youth in Action Exchange Program, organized in cooperation with Moldova, neighboring partner country of the European Union. "Homo Videns 1" was held in Busteni, in March 2009.
The purpose of the project was to initiate 30 youngsters with disabilities (deaf-and-dumb), in the secrets of the Photographic Art.
At the completion of this exchange program, the 30 youngsters involved had developped a new set of abilities that enabled them to express them self through visual art in a compelling manner, improuving their personal and social status, providing them with better future perspective.
The active, participative learning, the involvement in creative activities and the discovery of new talents, were just some of the methods used during the 10 days of the program, in order to stimulate the evolution of the 30 young participants involved in the Homo Videns Project.
See pictures made during Homo Videns 1